Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Polar Bear and child

Polar Bear and child - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

My friend Mike Reisel designed a T-shirt over at Threadless: Nude no more. Go over and vote on his design.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dog days of summer ...

Twink played her role as the ambassador of love on the 4th. She escaped my clutches in PetSmart and went around kissing all the dogs in the store.

In addition to her modeling career, Twink is embarking upon a new position as a product pitch puppy. Stay tuned ...

After all that activity yesterday, Twink needed a bath, hence this photo.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let the dogs speak for themselves

Sometimes you just have to let our furry friends speak for themselves, like they did in this New York Times article on what Leona Helmsley's dog Trouble should do with all the money her mom left her:

“Cats? Let them get their own millionaire.” — Sidney, a 7-year-old pug who lives in New York.

“What I would do, is get the biggest jar of peanut butter, and I’d open my own dog run with no other dogs and a thousand people.” — Nina, a 5-year-old beagle-Labrador mix, between tummy scratches.

Here's the whole story; I know you're dying to read it ...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oops, I forgot to train her

I got all sorts of nifty advice from Nest magazine
today on training your pets. Apparently, I've broken all the rules. So sue me.

Isn't this a cute dog?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The world is going to the .... people!

From the Tribune today: "Dog day care may be the hot trend for pampered pets, but some homeowners in Crystal Lake are trying to pour water on a proposal to open one in their neighborhood, citing worries about yelps, smells and safety."

Yeah, that's the people, but what about the dogs?,0,7633681.story

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unconditional love

I'm so blessed. Twink has a sixth sense about my moods. While she's tenaciously playful, she calmed down last night and snuggled with me till I got up. All felt right with the world with Twink in my arms. Her love is real all the time, in full effect. She's not sometimey some folks, I know.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My favorite things ....

Babies and furry critters .... These are two of my favorite things: My nephew, Josh and my baby, Twink. Come to think of it, those are my only favorite things. The rest of you can bite my buns! And believe me, there's plenty.

Daddy's 'girl'

Don't let the tough exterior fool you. This guy, Twink's dad, is nuts about her, just like a daddy should be.

About the carcass in the corner ...

You can take them out of the wild, but ... I'm nearsighted, so the sight of a furry blur in the corner of my studio caught me off guard when I woke up this morning. Alas, Twink has completed the dismantling of her stuffed squirrel: That was a tail I saw. I tripped over the poor squirrel's head on the way to the bathroom.